Frontier Co-op White Pepper, Fine Grind 1 lb

USD 16.99

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White peppercorns are fully-ripened fruits (berries) that are sun-dried after their red outer skin is removed. Gourmet cooks often prefer white pepper over black to flavor white sauces and other light-colored dishes -- both because of its color and its more delicate flavor.

A total of 4 guests made comments

William Rodriguez - 2024-03-03

The quality of the product is exceptional, and it arrived much quicker than I expected. Excellent customer service as well.

Zoe King - 2024-03-03

Delighted with the quick delivery and the premium quality of the product. The pricing is great, and the customer service is incredibly helpful.

Benjamin Jackson - 2024-03-03

The fast shipping and quality of the product are unbeatable. The customer service team was extremely helpful and kind.

Emma Martinez - 2024-03-03

My order came so fast, and the quality blew me away. Excellent price for such high quality, and the customer service was fantastic.

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