Bambu Lab AMS Cable Pack (5-in-1) work with Bambu Lab AMS

USD 12.99

Available Options

In the Box

-Speed board connection line *1

-Power cable *1

-RF board cable *1

-485 connection cable*1

-Material selection cable*1


Works with Bambu Lab AMS


Product Specifications

Materials Metal, Plastic Color Black, White
Packaging Weight 0.03 kg Packaging Size

A total of 4 guests made comments

Ava White - 2024-03-03

Remarkable service! The product arrived sooner than expected, with unbeatable quality at this price point. Customer support went above and beyond.

William Rodriguez - 2024-03-03

The quality of the product is exceptional, and it arrived much quicker than I expected. Excellent customer service as well.

Ava Garcia - 2024-03-03

Fast shipping, excellent product, and unbeatable price. The customer service team is very attentive and responsive. Highly recommended.

Ethan Walker - 2024-03-03

Exceptional quality at a fair price. The customer service team made me feel valued and respected. A seamless experience from start to finish!

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