USB to USB Insulated


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Male to male wire connects USB to USB. Thicker gauge and insulated for optimal performance.

1. USB to USB
2. Insulated
3. Thicker Guage

Package Included:
1 x USB to USB Insulated

1. Do not drop or smash cord
2. Do not put the cord into water or fire


At Mach 1 we focus on rigorous test and design to give you the most quality products every time. Our motto is tested and trusted. You can count on Mach 1 to deliver high quality products at a good price.

A total of 4 guests made comments

Charlotte Davis - 2024-03-03

Remarkable service! The product exceeds expectations in quality and the shipping speed was simply incredible!

Elijah Walker - 2024-03-03

The shipping was quicker than expected, and the quality of the product is top-tier. The value is incredible, and the customer service is exceptional.

Charlotte Harris - 2024-03-03

Incredible shopping experience! The product quality is outstanding, and the shipping was lightning-fast. Excellent customer service.

Sarah Garcia - 2024-03-03

The product arrived sooner than I anticipated, and the quality is fantastic. Excellent value and the customer service team was incredibly responsive. A+ experience.

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