Moon Prism Wands + Brooches Doodle Sticker


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Welcome to TheHoneyBShop where stationery is sweeter than honey!

- Sticker sheet size: 3.5" x 4"
- Printed with high quality inks on a premium matte vinyl.?
- Kiss-cut stickers easily peel up and to be placed in your planner/journal!


If you have any further questions, please contact me at [email protected]

All orders are filled with love & honey.?

??Thank you for shopping small with TheHoneyBShop and supporting our day dream!???

A total of 3 guests made comments

Ethan Roberts - 2024-03-03

A seamless transaction with lightning-fast delivery. The product surpasses my expectations in every way. Will definitely buy again.

Robert Thompson - 2024-03-03

Unmatched quality and service! The delivery was quicker than expected, and the product absolutely shines in terms of quality. The attention to detail is apparent. Customer support is responsive and very helpful.

Isabella Scott - 2024-03-03

Everything from the ordering process to the fast shipping was perfect. The product quality is superb. Highly recommend their services.

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