Magic Your Life Crystal Fruit Lip Gloss


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A beautiful clear gloss that changes to a tint of pink depending on your PH level. It has glitter inside and a fun fruit charm.
  • Color changes based on your unique pH level
  • Personalized color
  • Glossy look
  • Lightly scented

WHOLESALE: Take 6 pieces for $5.50

A total of 3 guests made comments

Linda Hernandez - 2024-03-03

I was amazed at how quickly my order arrived. The product is of excellent quality, offering great bang for your buck. The customer service team was also exceptional. Will order again.

Olivia Turner - 2024-03-03

The efficiency and quality of service have been outstanding. My order came quicker than anticipated, and the product exceeded all expectations. Excellent customer support too.

Zoe King - 2024-03-03

Delighted with the quick delivery and the premium quality of the product. The pricing is great, and the customer service is incredibly helpful.

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