Rockefeller Christmas Sprinkle Mix


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The classiest of sprinkle mixes, this Christmas blend has hues of bright red, white and silver with little peppermint candy cane confettis.


A total of 4 guests made comments

Benjamin Jackson - 2024-03-03

The fast shipping and quality of the product are unbeatable. The customer service team was extremely helpful and kind.

Evelyn Young - 2024-03-03

Fast shipping and the product quality is amazing. Very pleased with the customer service. Will definitely purchase from them again.

Linda Hernandez - 2024-03-03

I was amazed at how quickly my order arrived. The product is of excellent quality, offering great bang for your buck. The customer service team was also exceptional. Will order again.

Lucas Clark - 2024-03-03

The delivery was incredibly fast, and the product quality is amazing. Great value for the price, and the customer service is very responsive.

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