ETUDE Play Color Eyes 9-Color #Autumn Closet

USD 32.76

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Play Color Eyes 9-Color #Autumn Closet
A 9-color eyeshadow palette with soft autumn hues of cozy and sentimental mood.

- Softly Muted Autumn Closet Shades
Sensuous mood with soft, nudy shades

- Muted Tone from Mauve to Brown
Harmonious variation of subtle shades

- Delicate Tint That Spreads from Your Fingertips
Soft texture that builds colorful layers

A total of 4 guests made comments

Lucas Anderson - 2024-03-03

Delighted with the fast delivery and outstanding product quality. Truly a high-value purchase, complemented by excellent customer service.

Oliver Harris - 2024-03-03

Exceptional delivery time, and the quality of the product is outstanding. The cost-performance ratio is excellent, and the customer service is very attentive.

Charlotte Harris - 2024-03-03

Incredible shopping experience! The product quality is outstanding, and the shipping was lightning-fast. Excellent customer service.

Mason Phillips - 2024-03-03

Lightning-fast shipping and the product quality is second to none. You really get more than what you pay for. Plus, customer service is outstanding.

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