Blue Bouquet Art Card


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This gorgeous floral bouquet shines brilliantly against its dark background. In bright blues and luminous whites, this art card design is full of effortless elegance.?Blank inside.

Yukiko Noritake for Wrap

Printed in the UK on high quality FSC-certified uncoated stock, using vegetable-based inks
Dimensions: 5.1""x 7.5"" / 13cm x 19cm (folded)?

Packed with a white envelope in a clear biodegradable cello bag.

A total of 3 guests made comments

Isabella Scott - 2024-03-03

Truly a step above the rest in terms of quality and service. The delivery was swift, and the product is worth every penny!

Emily Johnson - 2024-03-03

Absolutely delighted with my purchase! Fast delivery, excellent product quality, and the price is just unbeatable. Customer service was also very helpful.

Harper Thomas - 2024-03-03

Quick delivery and the product quality is exceptional. Very fair pricing and the customer service is top-notch!

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