Open Mic Jam Sessions


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Enjoy the poetry, music, and creative energy of local artists while sipping our fresh tea blends. Feel the beat, rhythm, and soul every Thursday during our Resilience Jam Sessions!?



Free Entry, All Welcome!?

Every Thursday 7-9 PM @3200 Broadway

A total of 4 guests made comments

Olivia Turner - 2024-03-03

The efficiency and quality of service have been outstanding. My order came quicker than anticipated, and the product exceeded all expectations. Excellent customer support too.

Mia Smith - 2024-03-03

The product quality is fantastic, and it arrived sooner than I thought possible. Customer service was also very accommodating!

Sophia Carter - 2024-03-03

My experience was beyond satisfactory! The delivery was swift, and the product quality is superior. The customer service team is also commendable for their support.

Linda Hernandez - 2024-03-03

I was amazed at how quickly my order arrived. The product is of excellent quality, offering great bang for your buck. The customer service team was also exceptional. Will order again.

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