Present Santa Card


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Designed by EGG PRESS

Thoughtful as hell since 1999.

Letterpress printed at EP MFG. Packaged in a plastic cello with a kraft envelope. Dimensions: A2 (4.25 x 5.5 inches)

This card will be shipped to you by Elisa, who kindly greets every dog who passes our studio in Portland, OR USA

Made in United States

A total of 4 guests made comments

Oliver Garcia - 2024-03-03

Fast shipping, incredible quality, and excellent customer service. This has been one of my best online shopping experiences!

Oliver Harris - 2024-03-03

Exceptional delivery time, and the quality of the product is outstanding. The cost-performance ratio is excellent, and the customer service is very attentive.

Charlotte Harris - 2024-03-03

Incredible shopping experience! The product quality is outstanding, and the shipping was lightning-fast. Excellent customer service.

Mia Smith - 2024-03-03

The product quality is fantastic, and it arrived sooner than I thought possible. Customer service was also very accommodating!

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