JMsolution Derma Care Centella Repair Capsule Mask


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Centella repair cure mask to relieve your skin gently for a healthy looking complexion. Safe formula that holds active ingredients from centella and madecassoside gives moisture and relief to sensitive skin. It provides hydration effectively and relieves your skin with fine moisture barrier. Skin irritation tested formula for dehydrated and sensitive skin.

How To Use
After washing, prepare skin with toner, Apply sheet mask evenly on your face. Remove the mask sheet after 10-20 minutes later and gently pat the remaining essence.

A total of 4 guests made comments

Zoe King - 2024-03-03

Delighted with the quick delivery and the premium quality of the product. The pricing is great, and the customer service is incredibly helpful.

Logan Alexander - 2024-03-03

Astounded by how quickly my order was delivered. The product is of superb quality, offering incredible value. Customer service was exceptionally supportive.

William Rodriguez - 2024-03-03

The quality of the product is exceptional, and it arrived much quicker than I expected. Excellent customer service as well.

Lucas Anderson - 2024-03-03

Excellent product, arrived faster than expected. The quality is amazing and the service was outstanding throughout!

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