Sticky Bubble Blobbies Waffles


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The squishy ball you can squeeze, stack, stretch and stick to the wall. Now in new designs like this yummy waffle! Sticky Bubble Blobbies never lose their stickiness, even after you wash them and leave no sticky residue. Toss it on the wall and watch them crawl.?Wash with soap and water to clean and refresh the stickiness. Great fidget squishy toy and makes a perfect party favor or gift!?

A total of 4 guests made comments

Mia Anderson - 2024-03-03

The product exceeded my expectations in quality. Fast shipping and excellent customer service. A truly seamless experience.

Harper Hall - 2024-03-03

Received my product in no time. The quality is superior, and the price is very fair. The customer service team is also very helpful and understanding.

Charlotte Harris - 2024-03-03

Incredible shopping experience! The product quality is outstanding, and the shipping was lightning-fast. Excellent customer service.

Emma Thomas - 2024-03-03

Quick shipping, and the product exceeds expectations in every way. The customer service team goes above and beyond to ensure satisfaction.

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