Changing Pad Cover Organic Jersey - Blue

USD 27.99

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We prioritize the use of fabrics made only of the highest quality for babies!

Our organic collection features a wide range of products made from an assortment of 100% Certified Organic materials varying from cotton, flannel, jersey, and terry fabrics.

  • Made of premium 100% Certified Organic Cotton Jersey, this super soft fabric is lightweight and breathable so your baby will lay comfortably on the softest surface during changing!
  • All-around elastic trim for a perfect fit
  • Features slits to allow for change pad straps and fastenings
  • Generously sized to allow for shrinkage, so it fits after every wash!
  • 17" x 33" (43 cm x 84 cm)

A total of 4 guests made comments

Linda Hernandez - 2024-03-03

I was amazed at how quickly my order arrived. The product is of excellent quality, offering great bang for your buck. The customer service team was also exceptional. Will order again.

Olivia Wilson - 2024-03-03

The whole experience was flawless from start to finish. Super fast shipping and the product is exactly as described. Fantastic customer service too.

Grace Martin - 2024-03-03

Superb service! Fast shipping, excellent product quality, and the customer service team is incredibly supportive!

Zoe King - 2024-03-03

Delighted with the quick delivery and the premium quality of the product. The pricing is great, and the customer service is incredibly helpful.

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